Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Religious Right Definition and Issues
The Religious Right Definition and Issues The movement generally referred to in the U.S. as the Religious Right came of age in the late 1970s. While its extremely diverse and shouldnt be characterized in simple terms, its an ultraconservative religious response to the sexual revolution. Its a response to events that are seen by Religious Right proponents as being connected to the sexual revolution. Its goal is to effect this religious response as public policy. Family Values From a Religious Right perspective, the sexual revolution has brought American culture to a fork in the road. Either the American people can endorse a traditional and religious institution of family and the values of loyalty and self-sacrifice along with it, or they can endorse a secular hedonistic lifestyle grounded in self-gratification and with it a profound moral nihilism. Proponents of the Religious Rights approach to public policy do not tend to see any broadly applicable alternatives to these two possibilities- such as a hedonistic religious culture or a deeply moral secular culture- for religious reasons. Abortion If the modern Religious Right had a birthday, it would be January 22, 1973. That was the day the Supreme Court handed down its ruling in Roe v. Wade, establishing that all women have the right to choose to have an abortion. For many religious conservatives, this was the ultimate extension of the sexual revolution- the idea that sexual and reproductive freedom could be used to defend what many religious conservatives consider to be murder. Lesbian and Gay Rights Religious Right proponents tend to blame the sexual revolution for increasing social acceptance of homosexuality, which some religious conservatives regard as a contagious sin that can be spread to youth by exposure. Hostility toward lesbians and gay men reached a fever pitch in the movement during the 1980s and 1990s, but the movement has since transitioned into a calmer, more measured opposition to gay rights initiatives such as same-sex marriage, civil unions, and nondiscrimination laws. Pornography The Religious Right has also tended to oppose the legalization and distribution of pornography. It considers it to be another decadent effect of the sexual revolution. Media Censorship While media censorship has not often been a central legislative policy position of the Religious Right, individual activists within the movement have historically seen the increase of sexual content on television as a dangerous symptom of and a sustaining force behind cultural acceptance of sexual promiscuity. Grassroots movements such as the Parents Television Council have taken aim at television programs that contain sexual content or that appear to condone sexual relations outside of marriage. Religion in Government The Religious Right is often associated with attempts to defend or reintroduce government-sponsored religious practices ranging from government-endorsed school prayer to government-funded religious monuments. But such policy controversies are generally seen within the Religious Right community as symbolic battles, representing flashpoints in the culture war between religious supporters of family values and secular supporters of hedonistic culture. The Religious Right and Neoconservatism Some leaders within the Religious Right see theocratic movements within Islam as a greater threat than secular culture since the events of 9/11. The 700 Clubs Rev. Pat Robertson endorsed thrice-divorced, pro-choice former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani in the 2008 presidential elections because of Giulianis perceived tough stance against religion-motivated terrorism. The Future of the Religious Right The concept of the Religious Right has always been vague, nebulous, and vaguely insulting toward the tens of millions of evangelical voters who are most often counted among its ranks. Evangelical voters are as diverse as any other voting bloc, and the Religious Right as a movement- represented by organizations such as the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition- never received evangelical voters ubiquitous support. Is the Religious Right a Threat? It would be naive to say that the Religious Right no longer poses a threat to civil liberties, but it no longer poses the most serious threat to civil liberties- if it ever did. As the general atmosphere of obedience following the September 11 attacks demonstrated, all demographics can be manipulated by fear. Some religious conservatives are more motivated than most by the fear of a potentially hedonistic, nihilistic culture. The proper response to that fear is not to dismiss it but to help find more constructive ways to respond to it.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Life and Work of Albert Einstein
The Life and Work of Albert Einstein Born on March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein is one of the worlds most famous scientists. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to the field of theoretical physics. Albert Einsteins Early Work In 1901, Albert Einstein received his diploma as a teacher of physics and mathematics. Unable to find a teaching position, he went to work for the Swiss Patent Office. He obtained his doctoral degree in 1905, the same year he published four significant papers, introducing the concepts of special relativity and the photon theory of light. Albert Einstein and the Scientific Revolution Albert Einsteins work in 1905 shook the world of physics. In his explanation of the photoelectric effect he introduced the photon theory of light. In his paper On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, he introduced the concepts of special relativity. Einstein spent the rest of his life and career dealing with the consequences of these concepts, both by developing general relativity and by questioning the field of quantum physics on the principle that it was spooky action at a distance. In addition, another of his 1905 papers focused on an explanation of Brownian motion, observed when particles seem to randomly move when suspended in a liquid or gas. His use of statistical methods implicitly assumed that the liquid or gas was composed of smaller particles, and thus provided evidence in support of the modern form of atomism. Prior to this, though the concept was sometimes useful, most scientists viewed these atoms as merely hypothetical mathematical constructs rather than actual physical objects. Albert Einstein Moves to America In 1933, Albert Einstein renounced his German citizenship and moved to America, where he took a post at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, as a Professor of Theoretical Physics. He gained American citizenship in 1940. He was offered the first presidency of Israel, but he declined it, though he did help found the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Misconceptions About Albert Einstein The rumor began circulating even while Albert Einstein was alive that he had failed mathematics courses as a child. While it is true that Einstein began to talk late - at about age 4 according to his own accounts - he never failed in mathematics, nor did he do poorly in school in general. He did fairly well in his mathematics courses throughout his education and briefly considered becoming a mathematician. He recognized early on that his gift was not in pure mathematics, a fact he lamented throughout his career as he sought out more accomplished mathematicians to assist in the formal descriptions of his theories.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Manage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Manage - Essay Example To retweet (verb) intends to send another persons tweet to the followers (Mann & Stewart, 2011). Retweeting is a typical action on Twitter and mirrors the ubiquity of individual tweets. Unfollow - To unfollow on Twitter intends to quit subscribing or following someone elses tweets. You unfollow individuals by clicking on "follow" on your home page to see your followings (Walther, 2012). Mouse over "follow" to one side of any clients name and click the red "Unfollow" button. Tweet - Tweet is a message posted on Twitter with 140 or fewer characters, likewise called a post or an update. Tweet (verb) intends to send a tweet (i.e., post, upgrade, and message) by means of Twitter (Walther, 2012). Favorites- Favoriting a Tweet demonstrates that you preferred a particular Tweet. One can discover the greater part of anothers most loved Tweets by tapping on the top choices interface on their profile page (Hine, 2010). Summary- King James is one the most sensitive athletes when it comes to his usage of twitter. His motives in the social site are often geared towards less sensitive issues and far from issues that can spur discussions. His tweets are based on issues that nobody can doubt or question, for instance, the tweets â€Å"lest change the world†and â€Å"the best ahead†are general. He employs the use of positive energy by using the tweets like â€Å"serve and protect. King James has been keen not to generate hatred or questions from his fans. Analysis- He uses twitter to gunner support and motivation to succeed from his fans. Besides being a sportsman, he uses the handle to create a need among his followers to respect God and have a reason to life. King uses the technology, not for professional relationships in most cases but to stay close to his fans and updating them on what to expect in a match. The organization uses twitter mainly for promotion purposes. It seeks to ensure a solid support from its
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Learning to swim at the age of 15 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Learning to swim at the age of 15 - Essay Example It was on a rampage to literally swallow me and end the basis of my life. Terrified, I buried my sharp, long nails into the back of my friend’s neck attempting to hold on, but when we thumped into the wet surface, the vicious coerce tore me away and inundated me into the deep, bleak, blue water. At that instant, a stream spurted rapidly up my nose and I began to dread. In the aspiration of reaching the surface, I hastily kicked my legs like a tantrum-throwing two-year infant. Regrettably, every time my head dashed up, the water immediately hauled me back down. I then had nothing else to do but wait for all I could. Seconds later, I caught a glimpse of my friend pacing towards my course. He withdrew me from the aqueous tank and expressed regret for what had happened by then. Then, I confessed that I was fifteen years old and did not know how to swim. I had made up my mind to learn how to swim. Period. Clock struck two o’clock – it was Thursday afternoon, my swim classes at the YMCA commenced. Pacing towards the building, I swiftly halted when I saw my classmates there. It shocked me in entirety. Neither of the swim class attendees looked more than eight years old nor was their physique disproportional with their age group. I nonchalantly entered the water, whilst attempting to blend in, but within seconds, the seven elf-sized heads turned to look at me. I did not know what to do at that point in time. For all the goodness that could have happened then, the instructor arrived and started the class. We embarked by learning how to cup our hands and rotate our arms. She even described the basis of our arms pretending to be made like the bus’ wheels that go â€Å"round and round.†Afterwards, she demonstrated to us as to how to place our bodies before diving as she held her hands above her head, palms touching, and her arms touched her ears all this while. She also gave us kicking advice in order to move quicker. She told us to do small quick kicks without
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How does work Guide the Development of the Self Essay Example for Free
How does work Guide the Development of the Self Essay In man’s existence today, various concepts exist which if learnt and adhered to, can change the very quality of life itself. This is admirably conveyed by Emerson in his essay on self reliance and also deduced from chapters seven and eleven of Thoreau’s book on Walden. In chapter seven, the author narrates the story of an impoverished farmer who toils on his farm from sunrise to sunset, while in chapter 11, Thoreau dwells on the qualities of the inner person. After reading these essays, one is convinced that the most important attribute in life is that which is gained from knowledge of our true being as intended by the creator. Beginning with Emerson’s work, self trust is shown to be the key to self reliance because man’s true nature is that which is within him. We are all individuals in the eyes of providence, each with our own place which we must learn to accept and respect. It is only when we exercise self trust in the abilities given to us, that we will be able to improve as human beings. The author goes on to say that when we cultivate a respect for ourselves, we reject that which is external and which we spend every waking moment looking for. What is important is not the acquisition of material wealth, but rather, internal spiritual wealth. It is only when we place our faith in GOD, who is the most trustworthy and sits in our heart, that we gain self trust. He then works through our hands and predominates our beings. When you are in conformity, this undercuts your self reliance because it scatters your forces, and the real you cannot be detected. You tend to do things as everybody does. It is therefore important to be your own individual and your uniqueness will be evident. Consistency, on the other hand, enslaves us to our pasts because we are constantly judging our present with 2 tandards from the past. We fear to be contradicted by our peers and are therefore less and less self reliant. Self reliance is evident from the bean field chapter of Thoreau because the farmer was rewarded for his hard work with a harvest of twelve bushels. He did not have the benefit of modern farm implements or labor, yet he loved his work and was rewarded for it. This is a demonstration of self reliance born out of necessity. Instead of discouragement at the prospect of toil, the farmer confronted the ordeal happily and with spiritual calm. Additionally, he gained much more than money. He earned the respect of his neighbors, confidence and experience from his work. John Fields is another impoverished farmer who has a wife and a family to feed. Unfortunately, he is in a situation where survival dictates that he works for a wage as someone’s employee. For this very reason, he cannot be self reliant. Additionally, in order to change his lifestyle, he faces the prospect of being unable to afford the necessities of everyday life, for example, tea, coffee, meat and clothes. He also seems unable to find the time to contemplate his spiritual wellbeing which may help him look at his life afresh. However, the concepts conveyed by Thoreau’s higher laws can prove invaluable to him. One of them is that, â€Å"Man flows to GOD when the channel of purity is open†. This means that Fields must seek GOD who will give him an inner calm. This will enable him to identify that for which he is best suited to do and treat himself with respect. Additionally, he will be able to find that which identifies him as an individual, thereby helping him to excel. The kind of wealth that is described in Emerson’s â€Å"wealth†essay is very foreign to John Field’s understanding. According to Emerson, wealth is the application of mind to nature. This requires that one draws a benefit from the labors of the greatest numbers of men, and also do what his creator intended him to do. Unfortunately, Fields is a laborer who is employed on a wage. He does not even understand the concept of business, let alone begin to fathom how he can employ others. Additionally, he may be in the wrong career and needs to re-evaluate it if he is to enjoy the fruits of a better lifestyle. When Frederick Douglas goes to the north, he discovers that work, unlike in the south, is done with pride and actually creates wealth without the need for slave labor. It also dawns on him that freedom of the mind is the perfect breeding ground for economic progress, which he sees in even former slaves. Additionally, with a free mind comes the possibility of improving the intellect through reading. The common thread running through these readings is that the mind and spirit come first before the body. Nature can only be conquered by the spirit and the best way to enrich the spirit is by accepting that GOD has a purpose for each and every one of us. He has given us individual qualities which we must strive to nurture. We must recognize these qualities and use them according to his will. If we do not see the advantage within our hearts, then we will, as individuals, continue to move in a crowd, and our uniqueness will not help us or humanity. Wealth is first and foremost, that of the heart and spirit.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ralph Bacerra Essay -- Art
Ralph Bacerra attended Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angelas. Although his original intention was to become a graphic designer, his career path changed after taking a class with Vivika Heino (Stewart, 2008). Heino was the lead ceramics teacher at Chouinard and it was under her instruction that Bacerra found his love for ceramics. Heino was very influential in her use of glazes and inspired Bacerra to experiment and branch out in regards to his glazing methods. After a brief tour in the military Bacerra traveled to China and Japan where he was greatly influenced by the style and glazing techniques of the East. Bacerra went back to Chouinard where he taught for eight years and served as chairman of the ceramics department and later served the same position at Otis College of Art and Design (Bacerra, 2004). Bacerra uses very distinctive geometric elements in his ceramic pieces. Bacerra’s pieces incorporate stripes of shifting background hues, twisting lines, with interlocking cubes and cones with cylinders and other geometric volumes (Lloyd, 2010; Clothier, 2012). At first glance Bacerra’s pieces seem to have odds and ends jutting out in peculiar and random ways. However, when one takes a closer look, all of the shapes and lines work together in a simple and elegant way. Many of his pieces have a mixture of both organic and mechanical elements. He uses organic shell-like circles and smooth, almost melted looking lines along with defined geometric squares, triangles, and circles giving his work a distinct abstract look. Bacerra uses a wide range of color in his pieces but sticks mostly with a bluish-green palate with hints of gold. Many of his pieces are comprised of different shades and values of blue and green (sometimes purple ... ...il 7-19). Interview by F Lloyd [Audio Tape Recording]. Oral history interview with ralph bacerra. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. , Retrieved from http://www.aaa.si.edu/collections/interviews/oral-history-interview-ralph-bacerra-12942 Clothier, P. (2012). Ralph bacerra. American Ceramics, Retrieved from http://www.peterclothier.com/ralph-bacerra.html Hamer, F., & Hamer, J. (2004). The potter's dictionary of materials and techniques. (5 ed.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Lloyd, F. (2010). Ralph bacerra. Retrieved from http://www.franklloyd.com/dynamic/artist_bio.asp?ArtistID=1 Jenyns, S. (1971). Japanese pottery. London, England: Praeger Publishers. Stewart, J. Y. (2008, June 13). Ceramic artist famed for use of patterns. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://articles.latimes.com/2008/jun/13/local/me-bacerra13
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Acadamic Misconduct
Academic misconduct is described as academic integrity violation for the unfair advantage of oneself or unfair academic advantage or disadvantage to others in academic community, academic misconduct can be a plagiarism, cheating, and collusion but not limited. The other academic misconduct activities such as not obeying academic staff directions regarding assessments and group work submissions, falsifying reports, having/spreading examination materials without unit teacher permission, arranging someone to do assessment work all these included as academic misconduct.If an allegation arises towards a student and if it’s proven in an investigation then student has to face penalties under student academic misconduct policy. In this essay we going to discuss in brief about plagiarism, cheating, collusion and academic misconduct procedural process depending on minor or substantial misconduct when allegations arise and appeal for the student.As per UWS policy Plagiarism is defined as an â€Å"act of presenting material as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgement that constitutes plagiarism, not the intension of the student when doing so†, for example when student submits work in which words or ideas are presented as their own as intentional or unintentional without proper acknowledgment of the original author such as website, other students work, lecture, journal article or book.Cheating is described as any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise such as examination, without due acknowledgment such as speaking to other students during examination, carrying any information materials such as textbooks, using electronics devices such as mobile, Bluetooth any other items which are prohibited by examination supervisor. Collusion is where two or more people engage in plagiarism, cheating or encourage others to do so.According to UWS Academic misconduct policy there are Minor misconduct and substantial misconduct. A Minor misconduct is determine by the university as a minimal threat to integrity of the student assessment in writing such as lack of referencing or academic requirements. A substantial misconduct is determine by the university as a major threat to integrity such as, when a student repeats minor misconduct activities intentionally, any allegations in the examination and any allegations related to collusion.In the process of investigating the allegations unit teacher, unit coordinator, Dean, school academic committee and student academic committee will be involved. in the first stage of Investigation process and hearing of academic misconduct, If unit teacher or examination supervisor believe that there is any academic misconduct happened, and they have evidence or reasons to support, teacher of the unit will report to unit coordinator with relevant documentation by signed copy or email, then with in five working days unit coordinator will send copy of allegation to the Dean.The dean, will advise unit coordinator to do investigation, and then unit coordinator and unit teacher decides to do further investigation, unit teacher will notify the student and invite for meeting in writing by post and email. Student can attend meeting with fellow student or university academic staff member or a student welfare officer. Meeting will be organised between 8 – 15 working days after on invitation letter despatch date. Student must respond to the invitation with in seven working days date of despatch whether he / she will attend the meeting or not.The decision will be made on the allegation even in the student absence. If unit coordinator decides that the allegation is not substantial he / she will dismiss it. Other penalties like refer to academic counselling, student require to re-submit assessment task after re-submission unit coordinator makes a decision on the marks and grades student may get zero marks. If the unit coordinator determine its substantial he/ she will be referred to relevant dean for decision.After going through all the process as discussed earlier in which case the unit coordinator will send the invitation letter to student for meeting with dean. After meeting if dean decides it’s not substantial dean will dismiss the allegation. When dean decides the allegations substantial then dean can penalise student such as recommend to counselling, ask for re-submission of work, if required student has to sit for exam again, dean will decide marks and grades. If dean judges that the allegation very substantial or too serious then dean refers that allegation to SAC (student academic committee).After going all the process as discussed above, student will have meeting with SAC members. After meeting if SAC decides if allegation are true it will take any action of dean penalties or combination of them, or suspend the student from university minimum period of 6months not more than 12 months, or dismiss the student for minimum of 12 months not more than 24 months in this case student has to apply for readmission or SAC can suspend the student permanently from the university.A student can appeal against the unit coordinators decision when student considers that the decision was made against the procedural fairness or when student not agreeing with allegations or when student considers that there is a substantial new evidence which was not available previously to unit coordinator or when student considers the penalty imposed by unit coordinator was too severe. Student must appeal within 15 days with evidence in writing to dean from the date of the letter advising of unit coordinators decision.It is the responsibility of every student to respect and obey the policy of UWS for academic misconduct to maintain academic integrity among academic community, when allegations were proven the student has to face severe penalties imposed by university academic committee besides the appeal options for student, The best option for students is to work hard on their own and get help when needed from academic teachers before submitting any academic work.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Five basic components of human societies Essay
There are five basic components of the human societies: population, culture, material products, social organization, and social institutions. These components may either deter or promote social change. The size of population will greatly affect the social change. If the population is large, chances are social changes will be promoted. More people will usually result in more ideas, pushing for changes because a larger population will generate more problems and it has a greater need for solutions. A large population will also have more norms and laws and sanctions. Culture includes values, beliefs, norms, knowledge, language, and symbols. Culture can both deter and promote social changes. A society’s belief and values can be essential for technology to grow and develop. Some societies tend to be more conservative and would like for things to continue to be the same, which will likely deter that society from social changes. However, as a society gained more knowledge, there will be people who will want to push for change because of that gained knowledge. New information and discoveries will result in new inventions. Material products consist of a limited amount. Material products will be more likely promote changes because people will try to find other alternatives for those existing products. Social organization is a network of relationship between its members. There are people who hold social positions and political roles that may deter or promote changes. Reformers who hold office positions will persuade more changes in society while conservationist will want things to remain the same. Social institutions consist of the education system, family, economy, government, and religion. A society’s education system has a big influence on the society. If that education system is promoting changes, people in that society will grow up having that thinking, vice versa. A person’s upbringing will also influence a person’s push for change or deterrence of change. The economy’s status holds great importance for change or not. If an economy is not doing so well, changes will likely occur. The government may be pushing for change if a reformist holds political position but if a conservationist will want things to be the same. Religion ties in with a person’s belief and values. Depending on the religion, a person will be more likely to have moral values and religious beliefs that will either want change or deter from change.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Tarchia - Facts and Figures
Tarchia - Facts and Figures Name: Tarchia (Chinese for brainy); pronounced TAR-chee-ah Habitat: Woodlands of Asia Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (75-65 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 25 feet long and two tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large, armored head with slightly larger than usual brain; quadrupedal posture; sharp spikes lining back About Tarchia Heres more evidence that paleontologists have a good sense of humor: Tarchia (Chinese for brainy) earned its name not because it was particularly smart, but because its brain was the tiniest smidgen bigger than those of comparable ankylosaurs, among the dumbest of all the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era. The trouble is, at 25 feet long and two tons Tarchia was also bigger than most other ankylosaurs, so its IQ was probably just a few points above that of a fire hydrant. (Adding insult to injury, it may well be the case that the type fossil of Tarchia actually belonged to a closely related genus of ankylosaur, Saichania, the name of which translates, equally ironically, as beautiful.) The ankylosaurs were among the last dinosaurs to succumb to the K/T Extinction 65 million years ago, and when you look at Tarchia, its easy to see why: this dinosaur was the equivalent of a living air-raid shelter, equipped with massive spikes on its back, a powerful head, and a broad, flat club on its tail that it could swing at approaching predators. The tyrannosaurs and raptors of its day probably left it in peace, unless they were feeling particularly hungry (or desperate) and ventured to flip it onto its enormous belly for a relatively easy kill.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
4 Ways You Can Use Your Holiday Break to Gear up for the New Year
4 Ways You Can Use Your Holiday Break to Gear up for the New Year Once you’ve settled down from all the excitement of the holiday season, it’s important to look towards the New Year and have a plan. It can be temping to procrastinate and forget about your workplace responsibilities, but staying on track even in the face of a relaxing holiday is very important.  Instead, consider using downtime over the holiday break this year to set yourself up for a great start to 2017. Here are four ways to set yourself up for a productive 2017 and get ahead of the inevitable New Year’s resolutions.1. Think about what you’ve done in 2016Take a look at your past year. You have the luxury of doing this without the day-to-day distractions of emails, meetings, and requests from colleagues, so take advantage of the time to stop and review. What worked for you in the past year? Did you start new habits that made your day easier? Did you cut out distractions? Start a new job?On the flip side, be honest about what didn’t go so well. If you felt like you didn’t have enough time to get everything done, what could you have done to streamline your schedule?2. Think about your goals for 2017.Once you get a picture of how your year went and what you might be able to do to improve next year, set some reasonable goals. Try not to fall into the New Year’s resolution trap, where we set goals based on a kind of idealized version of ourselves. Sure, it would be great if you could change everything on day one- no junk food, hitting the gym every day, never checking Facebook at work, or other worthy resolutions. Human nature usually has other plans, though, and we often slip right back into our previous ways by, oh, February.For your professional goals, make sure you’re staying practical and possible. If you think you’d like to change jobs, give yourself a timeline (complete with achievable steps) throughout the year. For example:February: Update your resume.March: Research potential c ompanies and recruit a friend to run through practice interviews with you.April: Start applying for job openings.Regardless of whether or not you want to leave your current job, think of the bigger picture: what would you like to be working on? If there’s a dream project you have within your existing role, or one that would be a little bit of a stretch for you, start mapping it out. Make an outline of what would be involved, and have a plan ready to discuss it with your manager after the holidays.Whatever your goals are, it’s crucial to do your prep work. The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Timely) guideline is very helpful for building goals, weeding out unworkable ones, and saving yourself some grief.3. Catch up on unfinished business.Was there something you wanted to check off your to-do list before you rushed out the door for the holiday? Now’s your chance to take a crack at it without calls, meetings, or other workday tasks getting i n your way. I know it’s your time away from the office, but if you take two hours now to set yourself up for the return to work, think how calm you’ll feel next week while everyone else is scrambling to get back to work.4. Reach out to your network.The new year gives you an easy â€Å"in†to reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Even if you don’t have many of your professional contacts on your annual Christmas card list, a â€Å"Happy New Year!†note is a great opportunity to reconnect for 2017.Even if you do all four of these things, you’ll still have plenty of time for holiday joy and relaxation with friends and family. Think of it as an investment in yourself for the next year†¦ and you don’t even have to hit the gym or give up that bad habit to do it.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Modern World - Essay Example None of the personalities under discussion vowed to any religious disciplines, and even if they are now thought to belong to orders like Catholicism, as is the case with Mother Teresa and Simone Weil (The Baptism 1), what should be noted is that they never advocated or preached any religious ideologies, but remained strictly outside of the religious circle and concentrated merely on the humanitarian, spiritual, and cultural endeavors. This is the most compelling element of their secularity, and renders arguments such as whether or not Simone Weil was baptized (The Baptism 2) as irrelevant to the case. The humanitarian aspect of Weil’s ideology, and her political work for the trade unions (Bergery); the founding of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta by Mother Teresa (Mother Teresa); and the activist efforts of Martin Luther King against the mistreatment of black sanitation workers in Memphis (Dowd), all are ample proofs of the saintly endeavors of these humanitarians, and establishes them beyond doubt as secular saints. The concept of justice in the Greek philosophy, as perceived by Plato but opposed by Socrates is that those in power decide what is just according to what favors them (Hooker).
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