How to write a funny essay
Research Paper Topics For African American Literature
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Simon Birch essays
Simon Birch papers Im going to be a legend. Truly obscure set of working responsibilities, isnt it? These lines of discourse are a spoken between the lead character, Simon Birch, and Ben Goodrich, who is played by Oliver Platt. This announcement summarizes the main thrust behind Simons activities. His mission to be a legend is Simon Birchs maguffin. The thing drives him forward through the film. All through the film he is continually looking for a sign from god that will disclose to him when the opportunity has arrived for him to be a saint. This latest adjustment of a John Irving epic, A Prayer for Owen Meany, is movie producer Mark Johnsons Simon Birch. What should be comprehended by the watcher is that the film is an adjustment and not the book. Commentators over and again said that the film dislike the book and the purpose behind that is it isn't the book. This is by all accounts something that pundits dismissed, the film was decided against the book and not for its creative legitimacy. In spite of the fact that the film ...debuted to cheers from the audience...(17.), most pundits appear to concur that there was no equity done to the Irving epic. Assortment said that Simon Birch once more demonstrated that, catching Irvings irregular apparent moves in another medium isn't so natural. The article proceeds to bring up that Irving himself requested a character (and thus title) name change. Just as recommended by as opposed to dependent on layaway (13.). Irving is cited as saying, The story is essentially not quite the same as my novel and it is out of line to my perusers to delude them to think theyll see A Prayer for Owen Meany. It is anything but A Prayer for Owen Meany, yet I preferred it. What's more, Im content with the manner in which I was dealt with (13.). This statement persuades that Irving affirmed of the film, yet his emphasis on ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
MindMeister 3.1 Christmas Release Introducing Connections - Focus
MindMeister 3.1 Christmas Release Introducing Connections - Focus Please note: this article was last updated in 2008 and MindMeister has developed quite a bit since then. For the latest information on product updates, please visit our blog homepage at Just in time for Christmas, we managed to finish our latest release, MindMeister 3.1. Phew. The major new feature in it is the introduction of graphical connections between ideas many of you have asked for them, so we decided could not put this feature off any longer and until yesterday we have one of our JavaScript gurus locked in a room with just a notebook and the Encyclopedia of Bezier and B-spline Techniques. He said there were many technical difficulties to overcome, so please bear with us if not everything works quite as expected yet were working on it! We also added a few other new features in this release, please see details below or check out the list in the obligatory Whats New in MindMeister 3 mind map. Graphical cross-connections You can now add graphical cross-connections between your ideas in your mind maps, which will be displayed as green arrows. This feature is still beta, so please be kind. Well add more functionality here in future, such as control points and formatting. Mark nudge inactive users Collaborators who havent visited a mind map yet since it was shared with them are now marked with a coffee cup icon in the Share dialog. Clicking the icon allows you to send another email to those users, reminding them to contribute (Nudge feature). Alphabetize subnodes Weve cleaned up the node context menu a bit and added a function to sort the children of a node alphabetically, at the click of a button. A small but hopefully useful function. Select maps to take offline No longer do you have to wait endlessly for all of your maps to sync when you go to offline mode a new dialog allows you to choose which maps you want to take offline. Very useful if you have a lot of them! Other enhancements Ability to skip share emails, withdraw from shared maps using the Delete function, improved invitation system, and of course the odd bugfix. See all changes since MindMeister 3.0 in the Whats New mind map.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Neutralization and Hydrolysis in Salt Formation
When acids and bases react with each other, they can form a salt and (usually) water. This is called a neutralization reaction and takes the following form: HA BOH → BA H2O Depending on the solubility of the salt, it may remain in ionized form in the solution or it may precipitate out of solution. Neutralization reactions usually proceed to completion. The reverse of the neutralization reaction is called hydrolysis. In a hydrolysis reaction a salt reacts with water to yield the acid or base: BA H2O → HA BOH Strong and Weak Acids and Bases More specifically, there are four combinations of strong and weak acids and bases: strong acid strong base, e.g., HCl NaOH → NaCl H2O When strong acids and strong bases react, the products are salt and water. The acid and base neutralize each other, so the solution will be neutral (pH7) and the ions that are formed will not react with the water. strong acid weak base, e.g., HCl NH3 → NH4Cl The reaction between a strong acid and a weak base also produces a salt, but water is not usually formed because weak bases tend not to be hydroxides. In this case, the water solvent will react with the cation of the salt to reform the weak base. For example: HCl (aq) NH3 (aq) ↆNH4 (aq) Cl- whileNH4- (aq) H2O ↆNH3 (aq) H3O (aq) weak acid strong base, e.g., HClO NaOH → NaClO H2O When a weak acid reacts with a strong base the resulting solution will be basic. The salt will be hydrolyzed to form the acid, together with the formation of the hydroxide ion from the hydrolyzed water molecules. weak acid weak base, e.g., HClO NH3 ↆNH4ClO The pH of the solution formed by the reaction of a weak acid with a weak base depends on the relative strengths of the reactants. For example, if the acid HClO has a Ka of 3.4 x 10-8 and the base NH3 has a Kb 1.6 x 10-5, then the aqueous solution of HClO and NH3 will be basic because the Ka of HClO is less than the Ka of NH3.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Film Analysis Of Tom Tykwers Run Lola Run - 1013 Words
Tom Tykwer is a German film director, screenwriter, producer and composer who is most known for his film Run Lola Run. Run Lola Run was released in 1998, starring Franka Potente as Lola, and Moritz Bleibtreu as Manni. The editor of the film is Mathilde Bonnefoy, and the cinematographer is Frank Greibe. Run Lola Run is an intense, action film that shows the implications of time, choice, fate, chance and consequence. This film follows Lola, who needs to get 100,00 marks, in order to save her boyfriend Manni’s life. There are three different scenarios that Lola mentally goes through in order to get the money, in which results to different consequences. The opening sequence starts with the quote, ‘After the game is before the game.’ The†¦show more content†¦The sequence then goes onto a cartoon sequence of a character with all focus given on her. It shows her running down an endless tunnel with dramatic music used to build tension and suspense within the sequ ence. The fact the character is again running seems to connote time is running out and the aim within the narrative that needs to be achieved. The main narrative is about a young woman in Germany named Lola who has twenty minutes to find and bring 100,000 Deutschmarks to her boyfriend before he robs a supermarket. Whilst this is the main narrative, there is also another narrative of the affair between Lolas dad and another woman. At the start of the film there appears to be no problems and the narrative is balanced, but very quickly it is disrupted, when Manni, Lolas boyfriend tells her he is in trouble and needs her help. In the very opening of the movie, a close up shot is revealed to show Lola answer the phone to her boyfriend Manni. This shot helps to reveal her vivid red hair, however at the same time reveals a red telephone. The link between these two objects show that the color red connotes the relationship between Lola and Manni, through the connection of love. As the conversation becomes more intense between the characters Lola’s voice changes to a high pitched scream. This stops Manni from speaking through a sense of shock and shows that Lola is the dominant character.Show MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Run Lola Run1533 Words  | 7 PagesFilm Analysis – Run, Lola, Run Raghuraj Rathi Tom Tykwer’s Run Lola Run (1998) is truly a brilliant film. It is very seldom that a film manages to combine the high pace of an action thriller and a deep philosophical subtext without botching it, but Run Lola Run does an excellent job at striking a balance between both. Tackling the very abstract and philosophical concepts of chance and cause-effect, Run Lola Run is truly a modern foreign classic. Tykwer manages to postulate one simple theory throughRead MoreThe Four Ps of Creativity2243 Words  | 9 Pagesfinal creative products. According to Mel Rhodes in his book An Analysis of Creativity (1961) these Four Ps; person, place, process and product are the underlying factors of creativity itself. By understanding how the 4 Ps work we are able to venturing into the life of a creative thinker and conduct and analysis of there creativity. In this case we will look at a German media artist, Tom Tykwer who has constructed a variety of unique films due to his high level of crea tivity. This creativity has been
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Difference of hero and saint Free Essays
The hero vs.. Saint is something I initially thought I could differentiate easily. We will write a custom essay sample on Difference of hero and saint or any similar topic only for you Order Now I Initially believed it to be either a person who lives life to the fullest day to day without any thought of what happens after death which would be the hero, or someone who lives life by a certain set of standards and sacrifices certain things for the sole purpose of something promised after death. After listening to Professor Ambrosia’s lectures and some discussion I have found that I wasn’t exactly correct In my Minimal hinging and that it isn’t exactly what I thought. Initially my thought on the hero was that they would be a selfish person Just living for themselves and their own glory. I have found that this Is not true at all. While the glory part I believe Is somewhat true It Is not for selfish reasons but for a sense of accomplishment. Yes a hero does things for glory, however It Is for reasons which better the world around them. They also do things because it is the logical and fair thing to do. In other words the hero uses his head and not so much his heart when dealing with issues. I believed at first that to be a saint must mean someone who is very religious. Have found that is also an incorrect thought. I was thinking too literally about the word saint and let my own religious beliefs cloud my thought process and gave me tunnel vision. While someone who is very religious probably does lean toward the saint view it does not mean someone who is not very religious cannot also lean towards the saint view on life. A saint is someone with a huge heart and uses it along with compassion and love to make decisions and lead them through life. I believe most of us live somewhere in between saints and heroes. I do not believe that someone has to choose one side over the other and I believe that in most cases it is better to live somewhere in between. However I do feel that on certain occasions we must choose between them and either make a decision based on fact even though it may not be the most compassionate answer or make a decision which even Hough isn’t the smartest is the kindest and most heartfelt. Sometimes there Is no in between answer and the answer does Ill completely on one side or the other which forces us to the hero or saint. BY entreaty initially believed it to be either a person who lives life to the fullest day to day without purpose of something promised after death. After listening to Professor Ambrosia’s lectures and some discussion I have found that I wasn’t exactly correct in my initial Initially my thought on the hero was that they would be a selfish person Just living or themselves and their own glory. I have found that this is not true at all. While the glory part I believe is somewhat true it is not for selfish reasons but for a sense of accomplishment. Yes a hero does things for glory, however it is for reasons which I believed at first that to be a saint must mean someone who is very religious. I though isn’t the smartest is the kindest and most heartfelt. Sometimes there is no in between answer and the answer does lie completely on one side or the other which How to cite Difference of hero and saint, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
IT Risk Management Risks and Security Patches
Question: Discuss about theIT Risk Management for Risks and Security Patches. Answer: Introduction: IT Risk Management Changes in IT Landscape Information Technology (IT) has become an integral part of every sector in the present era. The evolution of IT has been home to many major changes in terms of its operations, services and techniques. From vacuum tubes to microprocessors, wired to wireless communication, desktop based computing to mobile and cloud computing along with massive expansion of social networks and many more have been a part of the IT world. These changes have also impacted the business world along with the global technological changes in economy, society and for the government as well. Risks/Threats and their Severity With the expansion of IT, the concerns associated with the security of the same has emerged as a serious issue for the organizations and for the government. As per Committee of National Security Systems (CNSS), storage, processing and transactions are the three main areas that are prone to risks. These risks affect the three pillars of the CIA Triad viz. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of the information by violation of the same and impacting the privacy through unauthorized and unauthenticated access. Attacks that change or manipulate the data to compromise the integrity of the same such as data breaches and data loss are the first and the foremost category of security risks. Attackers also attempt to break in to the security of the system by impersonating as the authenticated users through means such as spam emails, phishing, whaling and many more (Zetter, 2016). Cloud based computing makes use of resource sharing, third party APIs and interfaces which opens the path for Account Hijacking and increased exploitation of system vulnerabilities. SQL injections, man-in-the-middle attack and sniffing and backdoor attacks have also become extremely common (, 2016). Denial of service and distributed denial of service attacks by flooding the network with unwanted traffic is a major security risk. Malware injections such as introducing viruses, worms, Trojans and logic bombs in the system also holds the potential to cause major damages. These risks can have low, significant and critical severity on the basis of the category of the information that is exposed to the attacker. Acquiring of critical, private and confidential information by the intruders can cause serious damage to the organization and may also result in legal and regulatory issues. The severity is comparatively low if the information that is acquired is public in nature. Mitigation of Risks There are a number of components in IT that need to be secured for the overall system security such as physical security, network security, infrastructure security, identity and access management and information security as a whole. Network scans and network monitoring can detect the network threats. Advanced identity and access management with use of latest authentication measures such as One Time Passwords (OTPs), Single Sign On and Single Sign Offs can also aid in improved IT security (, 2015). Also, better access control and installation of firewalls, latest anti-virus and web security along with physical security at all the entry and exit points is essential to keep the information secure. Security Patches A security patch is a piece of software that in installed to remove the defect or bug that was earlier detected in the system. Earlier, the organizations adopted the approach of installing the patch as soon as it was developed and did not monitor it thereafter. However, with the increase in the security issues, it is essential to follow a defined patch management methodology. It includes a step by step approach to decide whether the patch should be installed or not and suggests the measures to perform the installation. Risk estimation is the first step in this methodology to determine the impact of installing and not installing the security patch. On the basis of the results, test environment is created to find out the performance of the patch with the use of test servers and critical applications of the system (, 2016). A back out plan is created in the next step to back up the entire data to recover the same in case of a disaster. Patch evaluation, patch distribution and installation functions are determined in the next step. If the patch qualifies for deployment and is well tested, the same must be approved by the business owners and recorded in the form of formal documentation and reports. The process comes to end with the p atch rollout and maintenance during post-production phase. References,. (2015). How to Overcome Security Issues in Cloud Computing. BlackStratus. Retrieved 13 August 2016, from,. (2013). Rapid changes in information technology | Policy Horizons Canada. Retrieved 13 August 2016, from,. (2016). Combating the Risks of Cloud Computing. Intelligent Head Quarters. Retrieved 13 August 2016, from,. (2016). Retrieved 11 August 2016, from Zetter, K. (2016). The Biggest Security Threats Well Face in 2016. WIRED. Retrieved 13 August 2016, from
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